This Registration & Agreement is between you, CHARITIES FUNDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR AMERICA our founding CHARITY, and CARES our NONPROFIT Real Estate Foundation, is for the purpose of developing funding from Real Estate Companies for donation to your preferred Charities or Nonprofit Organizations.
CARES provides the Supporters of Charities & Nonprofit Organizations with opportunities to assist in the development of exceptional funding for their preferred Charities or Nonprofit Organizations, without incurring any financial expense.
​CARES develops funding through the registration of the Supporters of Charities & Nonprofit Organizations that are planning the purchase or sale of real estate, in CARES landmark funding development innovation
CARES Referrals for Charities ©â€‹
CARES Referrals for Charities © was designed by CARES to develop business to business referral & transfer funding from the Real Estate Companies that our Supporter Clients select to assist them with their purchases or sales of real estate, by referring & transferring CARES registered Supporter Clients to the Realtors, Real Estate Brokers & Real Estate Companies they selected, for compensation.
CARES requires the Real Estate Companies that receive CARES Supporter Clients referrals & transfers, remit compensation equal to 20% of the Commissions the Real Estate Companies receive from the Closings of our Supporter Clients real estate purchases or sales, to CARES for donation of 90% of the compensation received to our founding partner CHARITIES FUNDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR AMERICA.
CARES makes a commitment to you, to donate 90% of the compensation that CARES receives from the Real Estate Company, Real Estate Broker or Realtor that you selected to receive your CARES Client Referral & Transfer, to CHARITIES FUNDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR AMERICA, for the development & distribution of exceptional grant funding to support your preferred Charity or Nonprofit Organization.
CHARITIES FUNDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR AMERICA makes a commitment to you, to direct 90% of the donation funding it receives from CARES, from your completed participation within the CARES Referrals for Charities ©â€‹ program, for the development & distribution of grant funding in support of the Charity or Nonprofit Organization you designate within this Registration & Agreement.​
CARES & CHARITIES FUNDING PARTNERSHIPS FOR AMERICA commitments to you are subject to your referral & transfer as a CARES Client to any Realtor, Real Estate Broker & Real Estate Company within the United States that you select to assist you with your purchase or sale of real estate, and the subsequent closing of your real estate purchase or sale within the requirements contracted within CARES Client Referral & Transfer Agreement with your selected Realtor, Real Estate Broker & Real Estate Company.​​​​​​
Thank you for your support of Charities & Nonprofit Organizations!​​​​​